Monday 26 May 2008

Winning The Game Of Advertising And Promotion

As a business owner, no doubt you've often thought about the question as to how much you should spend on advertising, and where exactly you should spend it. For most people who own small businesses, these questions simply give you more headaches beyond those simply suffered in the normal everyday operation of your business.

No Simple Answers

In fact, there aren't any simple answers as to how much you should spend on your advertisement.

Depending on your business, there are those who suggest that you should spend anywhere from 4 to 10% of your gross receipts on advertising.

Of course, the conundrum is, it's likely that your business is not going to survive unless you have a continuing flow of new customers. However, it's not likely, either, that you're going to get those new customers without spending at least something on advertising and get the word out about your business.

How to Develop Effective Advertising

Have you found yourself in this situation? You pay for advertising and then sit back, waiting for new customers to arrive. The only thing is, you sit and sit and sit, and they never come. Sound familiar?

Don't worry; that has happened to many of us as well.

What most people don't know is that you don't have to just worry about knowing where to spend your advertisement money.

You also have to establish the following about advertising:

You have to have a marketing plan.

You have to have an advertising strategy.

You have to know about headlines, ad copy and visual presentation.

You have to know how to track the success of your advertising campaigns.

Your Marketing Plan

Your marketing plan is used primarily for you, so that you can identify what your products and services are, what they cost, their particular strengths and weaknesses, and finally, what your competitors' strengths and weaknesses are as well.

Your Advertising Strategy

You need to understand just exactly what you expect to get from your advertising.

For example, do you just want to get your name out there so that customers will think of you first when they have a particular need you can fulfill? Or do you want your customers to come to you on a particular day, like Saturday?

Do you want your customers to come in and simply browse, whereupon they suddenly come upon an object they can't do without? Or do you want them to come in and buy a particular product?

Do you want enough customers so that you can pay for your ad? Or do you want a customer who will come to you again and again, becoming a lifelong customer who will help pay your advertising costs over the next several years?

Once you know what you want, you can better formulate just how you should do it.

Ad Copy, Headlines and Visual Presentation

Many businesses actually put money into advertising without thinking much about their sales pitch or presentation; simply, the quality may not be as up to par as it should be. If your advertising is not quality, then it doesn't matter how much money you spend on advertising or on your distribution, for example.

Make sure you test the advertising you plan to use in smaller markets before you put a lot of money into it to go to larger markets. You have to know that your advertising is going to have value before you put a lot of money behind it.

Track the Success of Your Advertising Campaigns

One particularly successful advertising campaign might be that you can tell your customers to save another 10% if they mention your ad. Or, you can suggest that they can register to win a free sample of product if they fill out a form and tell you how about your business. You can also advertise a particular product in your ad and then track how well that particular product sells.

It really doesn't matter how you track your advertising, as long as you do.

In Conclusion

The best way to spend your advertising dollars is to make sure you target an advertisement specifically to the customer base you want to serve.

If you don't track your advertising, then you are simply "shooting blind." This is a waste of your time and money.

Even with more widespread advertising, if you are still "shooting blind," then you're only making a bigger mistake. You have to track your advertisement so that you know what's working well and what you need to change. If you don't, you'll simply repeat mistakes over and over again, and further waste your time and money. This can actually make your business fail.

If you only rely on instinct, this isn't necessarily going to help you; you may be choosing wrong so that your advertising dollars aren't getting spent to the best benefit. And in fact, you may lose all of your money for no gain.

When it comes right down to it, if you want to make money from your advertising, you need to prepare, plan, track and study your advertising campaigns and see what the results are. Base your advertising decisions on facts and on the results you see. Once you've made the right advertising decisions, making profits from your business should come much easier for you.

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The Necessary Contents Of A Custom Size Brochure For Hotels

One of the best ways to make every detail, news, or trend known to people is through brochures. Almost all types of businesses use this to promote or advertise their products, services, events and what have you. Brochures are also known to be on top of the list of cost-efficient promotion materials, be it short-run, offset or custom size brochure.

Your hotel business could need the help of custom brochures because it would not only spread the word regarding your hotel, but more importantly, it would generate better investment returns for you. This would work especially well for launchings, promotions, and festivities.

Content of Brochure

The content of your brochures will be very important to its outcome. You must be able to come up with a brochure that would serve its main purpose, which is to inform the people. More than this, it should readily adhere to your strategies and your expected outcome.

The following is a list of what you should consider putting on your custom size brochures for your hotel.

1. Provide Affirmation

Through effective visuals or photos, people would generate an idea about your hotel, inn and so on. It would give out the necessary impression to further convince your clients and make yourself the choice they want and are looking for all along.

• These pictures also give people an easier recall of your hotel. This feature can be practical if they are to identify your hotel or inns from other establishments that may surround your area.

• Nevertheless, you just have to make sure you choose the right pictures for your brochure. You can try and place the pictures of your hotel on the front cover of your brochure to generate the right impact on your prospected clients.

• Do not use outdated pictures. Always use updated photos that depicts improvement and maybe even modernity. It may also help establish that the hotel or inn has been perfectly preserved just the way old clients would want and identify it.

2. Location

Of course, you must not forget to put the location of your hotel and how they would get there. Put the complete address and it would really be helpful to put an illustration of the directions going to your hotel. Thus would make your prospects more interested because they would not have a hard time travelling.

3. Contact details

Be sure to put your website, e-mail address and contact numbers so that if they want to inquire or have a room reserved, they would know where to contact you. Make it more intimate and place your name or the concierge's name to make it easier for them to coordinate with you.

4. Amenities

It would really be a big plus for you if you choose to flaunt the amenities your hotel offers. For example, you have a pool and a gym, make sure to put it on the brochure and just like what I said, pictures would help a lot. Just make sure that the ones they would see on the picture are really what they would actually see

5. Background

Give credibility to your hotel and the kind of service you provide to make their stay more relaxing and welcoming. A short profile would help clients identify the kinds of standards you observe and so on.

Observe these content tips for your custom size brochure and know how a well-packaged and well-delivered message can make the difference between you and the competition.

Loves to read and talk anything under the sun. From current events, magazines, social life, metro lifestyles, traveling etc. Not a born writer but experience could make a difference. He also loves to eat especially travel in different places. Going to beaches and mountains really completes his life.

For more details you may check out Make Custom Size Brochures

Business Card Design Tips For New And Up And Coming Entrepreneurs

Imagine meeting hundreds of people per day, thousands of people a week and millions of people a year. Would you even remember a big number of them? This is where the business card design comes in. Having a business card that sustains the ties you would have with people everyday is a step to growing your business networks.

However, you also have to remember that together with your business cards, you also give out your identity. It is together with the opportunity to introduce yourself properly that makes for make a lasting impression.

The Virtues of Designing and Ordering Your Business Cards

Here are some tips to render your business card design more attractive yet functional and equally impressive at the same time.

1. Simple

There is no point in making your business cards formal. First and foremost, business cards are meant to be formal so there is no reason for it to be fancy at all. All you have to do is make sure that you tell people what they need to know. Use a readable font that is large enough for people to easily read. Make sure that the layout is clean, proper and formal.

2. Direct

Make sure that the contact information you put on you business card is ours and yours alone. Just imagine having a client call you and once he does, your mom picks up the phone for you. That would be a big turn-off for your clients which could cause you your business. Also, be considerate enough to have a formal e-mail, by formal I mean use your name and not any other nickname your friends call you.

3. Leave it to the pros

• If you cannot shape your business card the way you wanted to, you can gain the help of professionals without spending a cent for it. There are printing companies that gives you foolproof templates that you can customize to your own needs.

• Just prepare the logo you need and you can upload it to personalize the template in an instant. This free assistance on the layout and design of your postcards is something you should capitalize on.

4. Bulk

It would really be convenient for you if you have your business cards printed in bulk orders because most companies lower down their prices as you increase the number of your orders.

5. Visuals

If ever you are planning on putting an image on your business card, make sure that the image you will put would not be blurred when you print it out. If a certain picture is pixilated then it would only mean that there is something wrong with the resolution of your picture.

6. Proofread

It may seem funny that you would still have to proofread your business cards but yes, it is a must to do it. Make sure that there is nothing wrong with your name and of course, your contact details. Imagine the embarrassment of spelling your own name all wrong or much worse imagine the income you are bound to lose because of a wrong telephone number that you put in your business cards.

A simple check of every detail of your business card design goes a long, long way - and along with it, your identity. Work on these details and discover more ways you can optimize your business cards.

Loves to read and talk anything under the sun. From current events, magazines, social life, metro lifestyles, traveling etc. Not a born writer but experience could make a difference. He also loves to eat especially travel in different places. Going to beaches and mountains really completes his life.

For more details you may check out Designing your Business Cards

3 Offline Advertising Techniques That Work

Many marketers these days have changed their focus from offline marketing to online marketing. But leaving offline opportunities is a big mistake. Offline marketing strategies are generally more personal, and if you're more personal with people, they'll feel like they know you and will be more apt to buy your products or services.

Several low-cost options in offline advertising are effective and easy to implement. Here are three of them that you should be using.

1. Business Cards. One of the first things you should do once you establish a business is get business cards. They are relatively cheap to print and are easy to distribute. This is one of the necessary marketing devices you need. Of course, an effective design is key. It should be simple, with no more than two fonts and your logo clearly placed. Your logo should be the main element on your business card.

Business cards are easy to transport and easy to distribute - just hand them out to people you meet at conferences, trade shows, restaurants, anywhere! If you provide a product or service a waiter might need, leave your card on the table with the tip. I've even heard of someone who leaves his business cards in bathroom stalls or on bathroom sinks.

2. Flyer advertising. Flyers are extremely easy to create - at home or you can pay a printing company to do it for you. You can create your flyer in many software applications, the most common being Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher.

You need to decide whether you want to use color printing or black-and-white. Color printing is more expensive, but the colors attract people to the flyers and you'll have a better chance of bringing in more sales. When designing your flyer, keep it simple.

Don't use more than two fonts if possible, and one main photo (you don't have to use a photo, but it's a good idea). If you use multiple photos, be sure to choose one as your main focal point - it should be bigger than the rest and placed on the top half of the page.

You can distribute your flyers to people on the street walking by; hang them up in supermarkets and other stores; or hang them in banks and community centers. Be sure to check the local ordinances so that you don't break any laws by hanging your flyers in community spots.

3. Vehicle advertising. This one isn't quite as conventional as the previous two, which is precisely why it works. People don't expect it. If you commute in a city, you drive past thousands of people every day. If you're stuck in slow or stopped traffic, people will want something interesting to look at. You might as well be that something!

You can stick magnets that have your company name and Web site address to your car. If you want something more permanent, you can have decals or an ad painted onto your vehicle.

You could also use your license plate holder as advertisement space. Many car dealerships do it, and you can too! There are many Web sites that will make custom plate holders for you. Vehicle advertising is on the rise, so get in on it while it's still new so that you get noticed!

Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of developments in color printing industry and how these improvements can benefit small to medium-scale business.

What Does Your Headline Say?

People who are in the business of marketing are well aware that the way that they market to potential clients is of the utmost importance. The right copy can make the difference between a making a sale and striking out.

It all comes down to this - the smallest changes in a piece of promotional communications can make all the difference in it's effectiveness.

The easiest and fastest part of your sales strategy to test out and retool is the headline of your brochure, sales letters or your webpage. You can get radically higher response rates by changing this one all-important line of copy.

Every piece of your marketing material matters. From the headline to the closing, all are important elements. But it is the headline more than any other line in your material that will bring in readers and hopefully interest them enough to make a conversion.

It's simple enough to grasp why this is - after all, the headline is read first. It's right at the top of the page, inviting you in. To be effective, you need a headline which is compelling enough to suck in a prospect and get them engaged enough to read the rest of your message.

Think of your headline as sales copy for your sales copy. You need to get people to read your pitch if you want them to buy from you and to do this, you need to get their attention.

A friendly hello, a coy come-on, a news headline or a shout of alarm. No matter how it goes about it, a headline is there to get attention and make a passerby into a reader (and hopefully, a customer).

Writing new headlines is a matter of market research and the kind of copywriter's brainstorming session seen at ad agencies. Keep these questions in mind as you think about rewriting yours.

Does your headline make a promise of some kind of benefit for the reader? For instance, "repair your credit rating without high interest" - something that readers will want.

Are there specifics and testimonials from experts? This can help quell peoples' natural skepticism. Think of something like "leading dog training expert says new ebook tells all you need to know about problem pups".

Can you work your headline to make you appear to be a champion of your market's interests? This is a particularly effective strategy for initially grabbing the attention of readers.

Does it either generate an emotional response or appeal to an issue or emotional state your target market may be experiencing? Think of something like: "Just whose interests do they really have at heart anyways?" Almost any rephrasing of "Cui bono?" can be effective.

Does your headline offer something which makes your readers eager to learn more? Perhaps a trial offer or a promise of great benefits as a result of your product.

You can appeal to the natural curiosity of your readers with something like "get out of debt - with the power of your mind". People will want to know exactly what you mean; it's alright to be cryptic with your headline if you can do it in such a way that it will compel people to read further.

These are just a few of the many strategies used by marketing professionals and copywriters to create attention getting headlines.

Brainstorming up different headlines is a great way to get some different approaches to your marketing strategy. Don't be afraid to change a headline that isn't working for you, keep at it until you find that truly winning piece of copy that will help your business grow.

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of Be Successful News, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.