Monday 26 May 2008

3 Offline Advertising Techniques That Work

Many marketers these days have changed their focus from offline marketing to online marketing. But leaving offline opportunities is a big mistake. Offline marketing strategies are generally more personal, and if you're more personal with people, they'll feel like they know you and will be more apt to buy your products or services.

Several low-cost options in offline advertising are effective and easy to implement. Here are three of them that you should be using.

1. Business Cards. One of the first things you should do once you establish a business is get business cards. They are relatively cheap to print and are easy to distribute. This is one of the necessary marketing devices you need. Of course, an effective design is key. It should be simple, with no more than two fonts and your logo clearly placed. Your logo should be the main element on your business card.

Business cards are easy to transport and easy to distribute - just hand them out to people you meet at conferences, trade shows, restaurants, anywhere! If you provide a product or service a waiter might need, leave your card on the table with the tip. I've even heard of someone who leaves his business cards in bathroom stalls or on bathroom sinks.

2. Flyer advertising. Flyers are extremely easy to create - at home or you can pay a printing company to do it for you. You can create your flyer in many software applications, the most common being Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher.

You need to decide whether you want to use color printing or black-and-white. Color printing is more expensive, but the colors attract people to the flyers and you'll have a better chance of bringing in more sales. When designing your flyer, keep it simple.

Don't use more than two fonts if possible, and one main photo (you don't have to use a photo, but it's a good idea). If you use multiple photos, be sure to choose one as your main focal point - it should be bigger than the rest and placed on the top half of the page.

You can distribute your flyers to people on the street walking by; hang them up in supermarkets and other stores; or hang them in banks and community centers. Be sure to check the local ordinances so that you don't break any laws by hanging your flyers in community spots.

3. Vehicle advertising. This one isn't quite as conventional as the previous two, which is precisely why it works. People don't expect it. If you commute in a city, you drive past thousands of people every day. If you're stuck in slow or stopped traffic, people will want something interesting to look at. You might as well be that something!

You can stick magnets that have your company name and Web site address to your car. If you want something more permanent, you can have decals or an ad painted onto your vehicle.

You could also use your license plate holder as advertisement space. Many car dealerships do it, and you can too! There are many Web sites that will make custom plate holders for you. Vehicle advertising is on the rise, so get in on it while it's still new so that you get noticed!

Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of developments in color printing industry and how these improvements can benefit small to medium-scale business.

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